"A Word Or Two About Transfers"
A Word Or Two About Transfers
By Dr. Ken
The Helmet News/Reflections column of June 2012 brought a number of responses, most explaining in lengthy detail, the specific sources of motivation that our readers have utilized in their own football careers. That the careers of the HELMET HUT site followers have been varied and range from junior high school football to the NFL level should not come as a surprise. One specific excerpt from the June column did elicit a number of comments however, that questioned both the status and motivation of transfer students. I had written:
“One of the football-related disappointments that seems to be of recent origin, is the hand-in-hand media events surrounding the college commitments and letter of intent signings of high school stars that result in a high ranking for a specific school’s recruiting class, and the program’s loss of a large percentage of those same players as they bail out when they don’t get enough playing time.”
I went on to say that it was my opinion that “When the handwriting on the wall becomes readable to these young men, rather than remain in the program, compete as hard as possible to prove the coaching staff wrong and earn a place on the team, and most importantly, earn a degree, they bolt, usually for a football program at a lower level” and that it seemed as if most had entered college exclusively for their football experience, with education and the academic aspects of college a distant afterthought.
This was not meant to imply that every young man who transfers from one football playing university to another did so without having legitimate reasons. Often, transferring brings very positive results both athletically and academically.