
"Savage Award"

During the late 1960s or what Wisconsin football calls their lean years, the Bucky Badger mascot was placed on each side of the newly painted cardinal red helmets. As we have stated in the past, changes to helmet logos and color schemes usually symbolize a failing team's effort to rebuild it self. This helmet is no exception... but black?

The Savage award is what they called it.  The award was presented by the coaching staff to the most aggressive player of the game.  He was issued this black helmet and was to wear it from that point on, in practice and in all remaining games.

We were able to spend a little time with DE Bill Gregory (shown above) a 1969 Senior and one of the few recipients of the this rare one year award.   As Mr. Gregory was telling us how this award and helmet came to be, he was interrupted by a fellow offensive team mate.  "Hey Bill, how come the offense did not have their own award?"  Bill said, "This was a team award; an offensive player could have won it if you guys didn't  stink!"  Both laughed and exchanged a friendly embrace.  The mascot was removed the very next year and the Savage award was no more.